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Notion APP网


Notion APP网,应用描述:Notion is the all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.** Apple App of the Day **** WSJ columnist reviews: \"a rare renaissance app,\" \"I used to need five separate apps... now it’s all in Notion\"**A Product Hunt favorite with 3k+ up-votes. It\ s the perfect pairing to the desktop app that was nominated for app of the year.DRAG, DROP, EDIT:Use drag & drop and Force Touch to arrange any content. Great for prioritizing lists and to-dos.RICH MEDIA:Supports images, to-dos, bookmarks, code snippets and 20+ block types.SYNC WITH MAC, WINDOWS, AND BROWSERDownload the companion browser and desktop apps. Notion keeps everything in sync.OFFLINE:Pages you visit online are downloaded for access on the go.COLLABORATE IN REAL-TIME:Share your pages, and edit together at the same time, @mention, and comments.FOLDERLESS ORGANIZATION:Organize your content using nested pages. Say goodbye to messy folders.


此页是<Notion APP网>的介绍页面,并非官方站点,我们收集于网络只为广大网民快速查询提供帮助。


信息名称: Notion APP网
信息栏目: 信息简介 网站链接
网址链接: www.notion.so
收录查询: [百度收录] [360收录] [搜狗收录] [必应收录]
网页版本: 手机版 电脑版
本页链接: http://wangttavdk749.baiwanziyuan.com/

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